July Opioid Article of the Month:
Leveraging Medicaid To Combat The Opioid Epidemic:
How Leader States And Health Plans Deliver Evidence-Based Treatment

The July Opioid Article of the Month looks at the different strategies states across the US have used in their efforts to reduce opioid use.

This Health Affairs blog post looks at the many aspects of reducing opioid use, looking beyond initial prescribing limits to describe support for medication-assisted treatment, methods of integrating treatment with payment structures, and clinic-level changes to make opioid treatment more accessible.

The article also reviews successful strategies to reduce opioid use in states that have transitioned to Medicaid Managed Care, combining the two initiatives for increased effectiveness.

To learn more, check out the July Opioid Article of the Month!

“Leveraging Medicaid To Combat The Opioid Epidemic: How Leader States And Health Plans Deliver Evidence-Based Treatment," Health Affairs Blog, June 24, 2019. DOI: 10.1377/hblog20190619.49397

See past Opioid Articles of the Month here.


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